Divorce Resolutions, Colorado Center for Divorce Mediation Mediators Present 2006 Workshops
first posted on: 7/21/2006
Larry And Chris Present At Local And National Conferences For Divorce Mediators, Family Law Paralegals And Family Mediation Graduate Classes
Larry and Chris (Divorce Resolutions, Colorado Center for Divorce Mediation partners and mediators) have presented workshops and classes at a recent national conference of family and divorce mediators, a state continuing legal education program for Colorado family law paralegals, and served as the guest speaker at several local Denver university graduate program mediation classes.
2006 Spring and Summer presentations and workshop events include:
Regis University, Denver, Colorado School for Professional Studies (Graduate Program): Advanced Family Mediation Class (July 11, 2006, Denver and Westminster, Colorado)
At the first class, Larry spoke with Mike’s students at Regis University regarding how he became interested in the field of family mediation, common practical problems in overcoming impasse and the goals of mediation.
At the second class, Larry and Chris invited the students to our offices to learn more about the practical and technical aspects of the real-world of mediating divorce and family law cases in a private practice setting.
Colorado Family Law Practice For Paralegals, Colorado Continuing Legal Education (May 24, 2006, Denver, Colorado)
Larry and Chris presented at a Denver, Colorado, continuing legal education program with HalfMoon Seminars: Colorado Family Law Practice for Paralegals.
Entitled “Assisting with Family Law Mediation,” much of the course materials (including special family law paralegal and family lawyer mediation preparation aides) now appear online on our website’s Resources for Divorce and Family Law Paralegals and Lawyers pages.
Association for Conflict Resolution, Family Section, National Mid-Year Conference (July 14, 2006, Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
Larry and Chris presented at the national mid-year gathering (“Making Waves, Breaking Barriers”) of the preeminent professional organization of family mediators, the Association for Conflict Resolution’s Family Section. Held at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, the family and divorce mediator workshop focused on enhancing client satisfaction, and family mediation practice professionalism through the use of special tools and forms and innovative uses of technology.
Iowa certified mediator, Steve Sovern, J.D. (an attorney-trained mediator in private mediation practice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa) was kind to review the workshop quite favorably: “As a professional mediator, I don’t ever recall getting as much useful information at a single mediation-related workshop!”
Also, see our other feature articles, where we discuss in detail other Colorado legal, procedural (including divorce law and family mediation) or parenting topics. Presently, we look in depth at: