As Colorado family mediators, we encourage you to complete an absolutely unique, free and private online tour of key commitments you can make to protect your children, in this time of potential conflict and stress.
A secular, nonprofit family charity (created by an attorney-mediator husband and counselor-mediator wife) funds the following special, enlightening websites. These allow you and your spouse or co-parent to separately and confidentially complete an engaging questionnaire of what each of you would choose for your children — in the aftermath of your separation or divorce.
The foundation securely and confidentially considers your answers and choices along with those of your spouse or co-parent, to create and forward by email to each of you: a personalized list of agreed commitments to your children (the ones you both agree will be important to your children and will guide your future parenting).
Four powerful Exercises accompany the Commitments and are also highly recommended!
For divorcing or divorced parents:
If you choose to complete this helpful work, please bring your completed Exercises and Commitments with you to mediation.
The following is among the best of innovative new parenting tools, known as “collaboration software” — designed to improve divorced and separated parents’ communications.
An online framework of tools to help families of divorce manage information and expenditures. Particularly helpful for parents already limiting their communication to written or electronic form, or residing far apart.
A simple and affordable tool to create parenting time (child custody and visitation) schedules, with standard patterns, holidays or customized lists and entries.
Hosted by a nationally recognized parenting and divorce coach, Divorce and Children offers first-rate parenting after divorce articles, and practical advice of how best to meet the challenge of “redefining families” in the aftermath of divorce.
Articles, resources and support to minimize conflict in separation or divorce, and for assessing reconciliation of your marriage. A former divorce lawyer deconstructs the “cycle of conflict” and describes positive alternatives in ending a relationship.
Equality in Marriage Institute’s divorce materials include many helps (articles, books, web links) to become educated and informed in managing divorce — to afford both parties a fair and equitable resolution.
Special stories, kids’ websites and information for children in the divorce transition.
Information and advice especially relevant to the special issues women face in divorce or separation, with resources for creating a satisfying after-divorce life.
Helpful information (including state-specific resources) about divorce or separation, child custody and support for divorcing fathers.
A wide range of thoughtful articles, and valuable separation and divorce parenting information and planning tools from a Canadian social worker and family mediator.
We welcome suggestions for an excellent online resource for men’s issues in divorce as well.
Clients with lower incomes may wish to visit the following websites, for potential legal help!
Hosted by divorce attorneys and family mediators outside the Denver metro area or in other states or countries, these sites offer valuable process or other family law content as well!
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